Robb LaChappelle wird Vice-President für die Vereinigten Staaten
Schweizer Medtech-Startup Sleepiz expandiert in die USA.
Schlafapnoe: Was es ist, Ursachen, Symptome und wie wir Ihnen helfen können, das Problem zu lösen
Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Sie oder jemand, den Sie kennen, an Schlafapnoe leiden, ist hoch. Weltweit leiden mehr als 1 Milliarde Menschen an Schlafapnoe.
The Beginning of a Sleepy Dream
Ever wonder how and why Sleepiz started? How the team came together? Or why we are called “Sleepiz” and why we decided to develop a medical product?
Radar technology measures your sleep
Easy and contact-free sleep monitoring at home? ETH spin-off Sleepiz revolutionises the way sleep disorders are diagnosed.
Schlaf berührungslos mittels Radartechnologie messen
Einfache und berührungsfreie Schlafüberwachung zu Hause? Das ETH-Spin-off Sleepiz revolutioniert die Diagnostik von Schlafstörungen.
Sleepiz is One of the First Healthcare Start-ups in Switzerland to Achieve ISO 27701 Certification
In an ever-connected digitalized world, healthcare institutions are becoming the target of hacking and extortion attacks. Just in the US alone, more than 500 hospitals and health centers have become victims in 2020. As very sensitive and personal information is involved, healthcare data security has never been more critical.
Über eine Partnerschaft zum Markteintritt
Mit der Lösung vom Zürcher Startup Sleepiz kann der Schlaf zuhause gescreent werden – ganz ohne Verkabelung und Nasenkanüle.
LUNGE ZÜRICH Adds Sleepiz to LuftiBus
8 Hours of Sleep and Still Tired? Start-Up Sleepiz and LuftiBus Can Help You Understand Why.
Collaboration with OST
Sleepiz has partnered with the Institute for Electronics, Sensors, Actuators (ESA) for a research and development project in the field of radar systems.
Sleepiz (Ltd.) Partnership with AIIMS
Sleepiz (Ltd.) has partnered with AIIMS Patna, one of India’s most renowned medical institutes, to monitor mild to moderate COVID-19 patients.