We are your laboratory service provider for sleep!

Laboratory analyses are standard in your practice - With us, this also applies to sleep!

Do you suspect that one of your patients suffers from a sleep disorder? Whether specialist or general practitioner, benefit from our innovative service in just two minutes and take the first step yourself!

Who is Sleepiz?

We are a spinoff of ETH Zurich and have been developing the most innovative measurement instruments for physicians and patients with a focus on sleep and respiratory diseases for 4 years. Since our spinoff from ETH in 2018, we have been certified as a medical device manufacturer according to ISO 13485 and are one of the first healthcare companies in Switzerland to be certified according to ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 for data protection and cyber security.

The Sleepiz One was developed with leading sleep physicians and tested in various clinical studies!

We are rethinking sleep testing!

We are convinced that for an optimal diagnosis, sleep should be measured over several nights to rule out variability. Thanks to our innovative technology, the Sleepiz One, we offer a completely non-contact measurement of breathing patterns. This ensures that each examination is performed over three nights, analyzing sleep in the most natural environment.

At the same time, through our service, not only you benefit from a smooth integration of sleep examinations into your practice services, but also your patients from through pleasant measurements.

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Selected partners:

As a practice, you can now request the first examination free of charge.

Simply place an order - We do the rest!

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Our process has already been used by physicians throughout German-speaking Switzerland.

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Step 1

Physician or provider orders a device from Sleepiz for the patient (sleepiz.com)

Step 2

Sleepiz sends the device to the patient's home by mail.

Step 3

The patient measures three nights at home.

Step 4

Sleepiz experts evaluate the data.

Step 5

The patient sends the device back to Sleepiz.

Step 6

Sleepiz sends the evaluated report to the physician or provider.

Your advantages

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Would you like to test the service in your practice?

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Billing and reimbursement:

The examinations with Sleepiz as a service provider for sleep examinations are billable for specialists and general practitioners according to TARMED.

*Additional consultation services can be billed separately!

For general practitioners
TARMED 15.0710
Sleep diagnostics – pulse oximetry

For specialists
TARMED 15.0720
Sleep diagnostics – polygraphy

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Taxpunkt Kalkulator

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the questions most frequently asked of our team of experts. Take your time to study them at your leisure. If your question is not included, please feel free to contact us.


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Yes, as a general practitioner in Switzerland, you can examine sleep apnea. TARMED position 15.0710 offers the possibility that physicians of internal medicine can reimburse sleep diagnostics by means of pulse oximetry. With the Sleepiz device, the patient also receives a pulse oximeter.

Yes. Pulse oximetry as be billed under TARMED 15.0710 and cardiorespiratory polygraphy under TARMED 15.0720.

Our product is approved as a Class IIa medical device for use in Switzerland and Europe. In addition, we are certified as a medical device manufacturer according to ISO13485 and comply with the highest data protection standards ISO 27001 and ISO 27701.

We record sleep and wake time, breathing cessations (apneas), blood oxygen desaturations (using SpO2) and pulse rate. You can download a sample report here.

All you have to do is sign the patient’s consent to forward the data to Sleepiz AG with the patient and inform him that we will send him a device by mail – our customer service will then take care of further instructions and make sure that the patient uses the device correctly.

No. We ship the devices directly to the patient from our warehouse. The patient then returns the device to us with a prepaid return shipping label. All devices are cleaned by us after use and prepared for the next patient.

Yes, you can use Sleepiz to monitor various sleep apnea therapies – the use of Sleepiz devices is also possible over a longer period of time, e.g. for titration of the therapy. Please feel free to contact us about this.

What makes us special is that each examination we perform takes place over 3 nights. This is easy for patients, especially thanks to our innovative and non-contact measurement method, and does not disturb their sleep. Thus, measurements can be taken in the most natural sleep environment and the variability of individual nights can be mapped. This allows a better decision whether sleep apnea is present.

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Do you have any questions?

You still have open questions or would like to speak with one of our employees for a test? Our team is always available and will get back to you as soon as possible!

We are available Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

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